It has been my experience that many medical providers have been performing injections into joints and clinical results vary. Prior to ultrasound guided injections, medical providers training for joint injections included learning the landmarks by palpation for needle insertion and treatment. While this was standard of care for many years, the results vary.
From procedural pain, proper needle placement there were difficulties as there was not visual guidance once the needle entered the body. Clinical results varied greatly based on going blind into the joint. Numerous studies have shown that when an ultrasound is used to visually guide the needle to the target the patient results are significantly better. And is that not what we all want? Great patient outcomes!
Ultra sound guided injections for placement of the needle is easy to learn and provides a significantly higher level of precision for proper needle placement than using palpation and landmarks only techniques.
Ultrasound is safe, providers have improved precision with needle placement, and is easy to use. Many patients are now becoming more familiar with the use of Ultrasound guidance for injections and they are wanting to go to trained providers as this will improve their experience, less pain, and improve outcomes.
When looking at studies, the data strongly supports visual guidance with joint injections for improved patient results, less pain, improved patient outcomes, and overall better experience for the patient.
Lee et al reports that the accuracy with ultrasound guidance in the shoulder goes from 72% to 92.5% resulting in increased range of motion, improved shoulder function, and improved pain intensity within two weeks of the injections.
A randomized control trial evaluating the effectiveness of visually guided injections for treatment of OA in the knees concluded that there was 48% decrease in procedural pain, 52% decrease in non responder rate, 36% increase in therapeutic duration, and 58% reduction in cost per responder per year (Sibbitt, et al, 2011).
Studies support improved accuracy, safety, and decreased procedural pain with ultrasound guided injections into musculoskeletal conditions.
As medical providers, we all got into healthcare to help our patients. We know once we learn more, we do more. Now is the time to take a stand, improve your skill set, add new techniques, and add ultrasound guided injections for musculoskeletal conditions to your vast experience and knowledge base. This training helps improve your confidence as you have the knowledge and skills for proper needle placement with precision for complex conditions. Your patients will appreciate your advanced skills, confidence, and faster recovery with improved quality of life.
Whether you have been to my class on Ultrasound Injections or not, I highly recommend that you attend this course again and again. Repetition is the mother of all skill. If you want to serve mankind and help more people with Regenerative medicine then you must continue to sharpen your skill set. I have found over the years of teaching this course that the providers who train and train often get the best results, are more enthusiastic with helping their patients and have the highest volume of patients in the practice. Just check out some of the testimonials from recent graduates from My Injection Training!